Why you need to keep birds out of your gutters from the residential gutter experts at Coates Bros.

July 7, 2020

No matter where you live, nature surrounds us; especially birds! You might not see as many animals in the suburbs as someone who lives in the woods, but birds are pretty common no matter where you live. This time of year, it is common to see birds nestling into the spaces either inside or between your gutters. The residential gutter experts at Coates Bros. respect nature, but those birds can be causing damage to your gutters and even putting themselves in harm’s way! We want to share the risk of birds building nests in or around your gutters and how you can help prevent them from doing so.

1.       Bird nests clog your gutters and put themselves in danger of flooding and damaging their own nests.

Bird nests are made of all sorts of materials from twigs and leaves to scraps of fabric and anything else the bird can find. They are tightly woven together to create a sturdy, safe place to lay their eggs. If the nest is in your gutters, it creates a blockage. Not only is this bad for your gutters, it can also be dangerous for the bird and her babies! Water can flood the blocked gutter which will put them in danger as well as create improper flow in the gutter system. If the flooding pours over the side of the gutter, you could start to see foundation leaks and damage to your siding.

2.       Birds like to put their nests in tight corners, such as where your downspouts meet the side of your home.

This might seem like a safe space for a bird’s nest, but it can be problematic for both the bird and the homeowner. Birds are opportunists and like the coverage from your home’s overhanging roof, but the added weight isn’t good for your gutters. Their nest materials can clog your downspouts and they could even get stuck in your downspouts! Our residential gutter experts have even noticed damaged siding from birds nesting up against the house, so that’s another concern to look out for.

3.       Birds in gutters are loud!

If you’ve ever had birds around your home, you know that they’re extremely vocal. If they’re in your gutters, that sound is magnified! Especially if your home isn’t properly insulated, which in that case you should give our insulation department a call.

Now that you know the damage that can be done by having birds in your gutters, we want to make sure you handle them properly. If a bird has a nest with eggs or babies in it, DON’T TOUCH IT! You should call your local rescue organization to do it for you. Besides the fact that birds will typically abandon a nest that’s been touched by people, it’s actually not legal in most cases to move a birds’ nest without the proper permits! You’ll also want to try and have the nest moved as early as possible, especially before eggs are laid and hatched. If you can see the nest is empty, go ahead and move it. Then, try to block that space so they can’t return. A great option for your open gutters is to have our residential gutter installers place gutter guards on your system! This will prevent birds from being able to settle into your gutters, and will also help keep other debris out.

Another common method of keeping birds away are setting up decoys, like plastic owls and snakes that are predators to birds (just make sure your family and friends know that it’s fake so you don’t spook them!).

If you have birds that are trying to settle into your gutters, call our residential gutter experts to see how we can help you! Schedule a free estimate today by calling 440-322-1343 or fill out the contact form on our website.