Top 3 Pests that Make their Homes in Residential Gutters

October 28, 2020

Your home might be home to more than just you and your family, and you won’t be getting any rent checks for these squatters. There are plenty of pests that like to make their way into our homes to take shelter, especially in our gutters! While some of these critters seem harmless, they can be potentially damaging to your gutter system and your home. Our gutter experts at Coates Bros are naming the top three pests that like to make homes in residential gutters so you know what to look out for:

1.       Mosquitoes.

Remember when we said some of these critters are harmless? Mosquitoes aren’t one of them. While we’re no stranger to these bugs where we live, the less we have around our homes, the better! Mosquitoes like damp areas, and especially standing water. If your gutters have debris in them that are clogging them and allowing water to sit too long, this could be high heaven for mosquito breeding. Mosquitoes are annoying enough on their own, but they can also carry diseases. To protect your family and friends, be sure to keep your gutters clear of debris year-round.

2.       Birds.

Some people love to see the beautiful birds we have in Northeast Ohio. However, you shouldn’t let them settle in your gutters. If you see birds building nests in your gutter system, be sure to clean it out before they finish. If you notice a completed birds’ nest in your gutters, be careful not to touch it! If it has eggs or babies in it, the mother will not return once it’s been handled by humans. Call your local wildlife representative to have it professionally moved for you. Plus, it’s actually illegal in many counties to move a bird’s nest without the proper permits – yikes! But why move the nest in the first place? These nests are made up of twigs, leaves and any other debris the bird can find to create a safe, cozy home. That material is sure to clog your gutters. And like we said, water buildup in your gutters can lead to mosquitoes! Again, keep those gutters clean to avoid these issues. If you like having the birds around, buy or make a simple bird house to keep them happy and safe!

3.       Rodents.

We saved the best for last. Rodents like mice, chipmunks and even rats are extremely fond of gutters because it offers them a cool, safe space to hide. This is especially true if your gutters are clogged! These pests can create a nest among the leaves and twigs in your gutters, creating a perfect spot for them to reproduce. Not only can these critters carry diseases, they can also destroy your landscaping and even your home’s siding if they get in. Keep your gutters clean and clear of these pests!

We know there are plenty of other pests out there that love to make a home in gutters, but these are the three we see the most. If you are having issues with your gutters, give us a call at 440-322-1343. We offer free, no-contact estimates for your safety! You can also schedule your estimate on our website at